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Yorktown VA Holidays
Yorktown VA Holidays: How You Can Give Back!
November 5, 2018

Ocean Storage in Yorktown VA is ready for the holidays with self storage units and charitable giving. Our self storage units are great for packing away presents before the holidays and decorations after. Find your Yorktown VA storage unit online or stop in to talk with our storage experts. Take a tour of our facility […]

Norfolk VA Events
The Best Norfolk VA Events for the Summer
May 17, 2018

Are you spending the next months in Norfolk VA? Ocean Storage has a storage unit to store your seasonal gear and Norfolk VA events to fill your days. Our waterfront city in southeastern Virginia always has something fun going on. The nights out on the town,  a quick road trip to the Naval Station in […]

Yorktown VA Events
The Best Yorktown VA Events this Summer
May 1, 2018

After the spring showers are done what does the summer hold for you? Moving soon? Want to do something you never have before? Ocean Storage has the Yorktown VA events to fit all your needs. Our little stop on the map is home to many famous happenings in York County. The historical buffs in your […]

VA Beach VA Events
The Best VA Beach VA Events this Summer
May 1, 2018

What does your family do for the summer? Our coastal city certainly knows how to celebrate these upcoming months. From endless beach days to a variety of VA Beach VA events our southeastern Virginia neighborhood is excited for summer. Your trusted experts at Ocean Storage gathered events happening nearby and in adjacent neighborhoods so your […]